Noi in general cautam. Nu stim tot timpul ce ,cateodata nu stim nici de ce,dar tot timpul cautam. Cand am gasit ce cautam, nu ne oprim. Cautam in continuare. Altceva. Pentru ca intodeauna lipseste ceva si pentru ca intotdeauna avem nevoie de mai mult. Suntem niste drogati.
Azi sunt satul de cautat. Sunt satul de intrebari,de raspunsuri,de fantome din trecut.Sunt satul chiar si de lucrurile bune pe care le-am gasit.Azi tot ce mi-as dori ar fi sa pot sta intins in patul meu,si sa fiu fericit acum si nu in cautarea fericirii de maine.
Si as mai vrea, ca asa cum stau intins si zambesc fara motiv,sa imi intorc capul si sa imi zambeasca si ea la fel. Un moment sublim de liniste comuna.
Sper ca voi realiza atunci ca de fapt asta am cautat in tot acest timp.
Monday, February 11, 2008
seconds of life
life acording to rayne
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"Sper ca voi realiza atunci ca de fapt asta am cautat in tot acest timp."..
sorry 2 disappoint u..
but i'm pretty sure u ain't gonna realize that..
or maybe i'm too harsh..
maybe u will be able 2 feel that.. one day.. but i'm definitely sure that it won't last ..
at least not 4 you..
u'll destroy it.. because some people just rn't capable of happiness..
i shall leave this here as a reminder for me. whoever you are sick-one [ ;) ].
that's a good thing 2 do..
maybe your ego will make it last only to make me be wrong..
iti dai seama ca ce ai scris tu aici implica tot o cautare. cautarea starii de a nu mai cauta.din cate inteleg eu nu o ai inca. doar ti-o doresti, deci o cauti..:)
nu m-am gandit la asta. foarte tare idea. ar trebui sa o introduc in blog :)
hey sick one. i'm really not that ego-driven. plus, even if i were, you don't have such a high-power position in my hierarchy of people i should listen to[or prove to]. basically because this is a very short list[or even shorter], and of course, because i don't know who you are :)
but saying what you shows something about how you think.
u're right..
u don't have to prove yourself to me.. because as u've said it.. you don't even know who i am..
but i do know u..
and i didn't said what i've said, only to leave a comment on your blog.. i meant it.. (i'm referring here 2 the first post)
regarding 2 the second post, if u'll reread it, u might mention the "maybe"..
i don't know how much ego-driven u are.. but i know that we are somehow alike (more or less.. from different points of view..) .. u even agreed on this with me.. once upon a time..
this is why i let myself think that u might act as I would..
sorry if i was mistaken..
though.. actually.. i hope i wasn't.. (once again referring 2 my second post..)..
* didn't say ..
so tell me , if u found your happiness, why can't i be allowed to?
or is it all about an ego-bet?
i didn't say u're not allowed to find your happiness.. i've just said that some people can't make it last.. and i happen to think that you're one of those people..
regarding the ego-bet, i'm not quite sure what did u mean to say.. maybe u'll repharase it.. maybe not..
but i can say one thing .. 4 self-centered people.. almost everything is some kind of ego-bet..
huh. that's actually freaky true. no rephrasing tough,you understand whatever you want.
i'm not so sure i like this self-centered people too much. even if i'm sometimes one of them.
i'm not so sure i like them, either..
though, i'm one of them most of the time..
take care..
the pursuit of happYness people!!:P
maybe you won't need to rephrase some expressions if you'd argue in romanian :P, beg your pardon;)) exchange ideas in romanian :D. better!
mdah..ce ai scris tu, este un sentiment fantoma, se numeste pace si liniste. ai zice ca-s sinonime, dar nu-s. pacea e un lucru, iar linistea este altul. dar oare cand astea ameninta ca vin si ca distrug orice sentiment zbuciumat ce ar putea sa ti-l insufle o anumita persoana, te simti mai fericit? sau esti speriat ca dracu de faptul ca vine nepasarea si asta a fost tot! la culcare copii, nu mai am nici o sansa sa recuperez ce a fost. nu-i neputinta?
dear inthedark..
first of all, "won't need to rephrase" doesn't go with "you'd argue" (from the gramatical point of view)..
second of all, when i click the leave a comment label, i do it because i have something 2 say about the article/post i've just read.. i never understood people who comment on comments..
and third of all.. even if we would have argued in romanian (our mother language) there would have still been plenty of room 4 interpretations..
haven't u ever asked 4 a question repharsal, in romanian?..
irony.. u might say that i've just done what i've criticized several lines above..
but.. did i? ..
no hard feelings..
take care..
inthedark that's how self-centered people react, we don't like to be criticized :)) lol. stop arguing people,thesickgirl has a good point. even in romanian we can be misunderstood. the thing is, i didn't want to be understand there.
in alta ordine de idei, ai drepate inthedark linistea si pacea sunt doua lucruri diferite. cred ca ma refeream la un moment de pace, cand nimic din exterior nu conteaza.
scandurica,tocmai ce am vazut comentariul. tot ce pot zice e ca mie imi place cu I. stii si tu :D
oke, nu va mai certati! nimeni nu ataca pe nimeni. cred?! :))
rayne, regardless if u like it with i better, or not..the correct spelling for "happiness" is with i and not with y..
so.. scandurica even if u think u know smth, it wouldn't hurt to doublecheck it, especially when you have in mind correcting smb..
otherwise you risk 2 become ludicrous..
no offence.. it's just an advice..
sorry 4 overloading... with ideas that don't concern directly your post, rayne..
yeah i knew that. she knew it too. but it's sort of an inside joke for us :)
so take it easy sickone,is not your job[or mine for that matter] to correct others. even more when there aren't really mistakes.
it's funny anyway how you need to do it :)) but stick around. i'm curious what you'll think of the next blog entry. maybe we can talk about the entry or related, instead of correcting the other commentors[haha,not a word for sure], as my policy around here is free will and free toughts,as long as nothing is offensive. i really want everyone to have a good time,so let's not fall into the "i'm right, no i am!! " trap. dirty.
u're right..
i need 2 do it..
just like i now need 2 say that i wasn't correcting anybody..
i wasn't aware of your inner joke.. and therefore i was just presenting the facts :P and.. gave a friendly piece of advice (more or less friendly.. i admit it :D)..
i might stick around.. but i guess i won't.. i wonder if u can guess why..
wish u.. and all the rest.. all the best..
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