Friday, December 28, 2007

love is cruel.

am crezut pentru un moment ca iti pasa. atunci am ezitat. privirea ta adanca s-a infipt in ochii mei si toate amintirile despre noi s-au revarsat asupra mea,dintr-un loc in care fusesera ascunse de atata vreme. am vrut cu adevarat sa cred ca totul se mai poate schimba si ca dragostea noastra va invinge,insa stiam ca nu va fi posibil. era,dupa toate standardele, prea tarziu. te-am invinuit ca s-a ajuns aici si ca d-abia acum ai inceput sa regreti,sau cel putin asta cred ca am putut sa inteleg. ca ti-ai dat seama ce ai pierdut si cum iti va afecta asta restul vietii. vreau sa marturisesc ca mi-a parut rau. poate , daca as avea o a doua sansa as fi facut lucrurile altfel. dar, in apararea mea vreau sa spun, ca te voi iubi in continuare,in mintea si sufletul meu.

dupa acea privire ai inceput sa tipi si ai distrus momentul. ai stricat ce ar fi putut fi , un ramas bun frumos. asa, a trebuit sa iti tai mai intai gatul si totul s-a umplut de sange murdarind ceea ce speram sa fie,opera mea de arta. asta m-a enervat, si dupa ce tipatul ti s-a stins am inceput,frustrat, sa infig cutitul in fiecare parte a corpului tau fara nici o ratiune. am citit in ziar ca ai fost injughiata de cinzeci si patru de ori. m-am bucurat insa cand am aflat,deja ma calmasem, ca doctorii au spus ca probabil nu le-ai simtit decat pe primele doisprezece.

aceasta este marturisirea mea iubito, si sper ca macar la final sa fi inteles. dar iti mai spun un ultim lucru.

sunt in sfarsit, dupa atata timp, fericit.


Anonymous said...

hey.. this sure is dark..
by "restul vietii" u actually meant "a few more seconds" ..
that's mischievous..

but..from another point of view the story is really well written.. congrats! ..

it has suspense.. it has an interesting topic.. it has a little bit of drama.. it has a touch of reality..
i have indeed liked it ..

PS although it looked like a perfect ending 4 your story.. i really can't believe that he can be happy.. not if he did love her.. (unless he went insane ..)
i mean, he may feel relieved but not happy.. if he says he's happy it's only because he wants to persuade himself that he did what he had 2 do..

rayne said...

hey "guesswho". i couldn't guess altough i have actually tried. i like your english i must say.very articulated and organized. i like that. heh, i wish mine would be the same :)

i don't think he did what he had to do.he did it mostly because he wanted to do. but of course we're talking about a little disturbed person. what i meant by happy,was that this was finally over and now he can have a calm life without wondering how is she,what is she doing and sorts. relieved is of course very close,but if you feel insanly can easily think is happyness.

anyway,you really understand what's going on here and actually get a feel for the charachters. that's something! :)

come back for more and next time leave a clue :)

rayne said...

oh yeah. i guessed gata :) took me some time tough :) thanks.

Anonymous said...

r u sure?
then .. leave me a message on the phone or smth..

anyway.. thanks 4 the kind words :P

as i've said it before i like what u're doing here .. so keep up the good work ;)

take care..

PS your english is more than fine.. i have found myself impressed of it, several times..
especially because u managed to find the proper word for a designated situation.. a word wich was meant 2 hide a specific significance..

once again.. my advice is: keep on writing!
It suits u..

rayne said...

wow. that's ivy-league language :)) . yeah i tend to do that:i choose words that describe a situation but represent something more or different to some specific persons. too bad nobody catches on :))

i might be wrong about who you are tough,given the fact that i don't have your number! you're puzzling me :)

thank you for the kind words!

Anonymous said...

i guess it has been a while since u and me talked on the phone .. but i'm almost sure that u once had my phone number..
so.. u may reconsider your guessing about my identity..

hint.. major hint: .. i promissed to comment on this specific post :P ..

Anonymous said...

PS Am i nobody ?! ..